In order for you to be able to grasp what kind of products and projects I have worked on in the past, what follows is some of my previous realisations. However, if you have a specific project in mind or are looking for something out of the box, do not hesitate to contact me.

Private commission, tableware, B&L

Model 'Oliver', custom design for restaurant Iluka (CPH)

Espresso and latte cups

Mug 'Softline'

Wedding table decoration, L&B

Collection 'Facet', coffee cups

Model 'Sofie'

Collection 'Lines and Dots', Tumblers

Model 'Anton'

Private commission L&W, dinnerset

Collaboration with design studio A'sch

Private commission, wash bassin

Private commission, lampshades

Model 'Beau', medium dinnerplates
Centerpiece or serving bowl, colour Earth
Collection 'Lines and Dots', coffee mug
Collaboration with Storia

Model 'Bruno'
Collaboration with Ella est là (PC Ella est là)

Model 'Linde'

Model 'Pure White', facetted mug
Small ritual box, urn

Private commission L&P, full dinnerset
Private commission, tea boxes
Gift box, Facet coffee cups

Collection 'Lines and dots', Tapas bowls

Collection 'Facet' (PC Hubert Huysman)

Private commission, B&L

Private commission, L&W

Collaboration with Design Studio A'sch, VAAS
Dinnerplates, commissioned work, restaurant Iluka (CPH)